Christine has been very critical to the success of my company. From acting as my mentor before our doors opened for business in January 2008, to being a wonderful referral source, to now my formal business coach, Christine has been there supporting me every step of the way. I was able to hire Christine in 2010 to produce a business development plan for my company. She didn’t just write the plan and drop it off; she invested the time to teach me how to use the information and apply it directly to my business and the direction I wanted to go. It really helped target our efforts as we defined the company we want to be 1, 3, even 5 years from now. Being a small business, it’s not always easy to find immediate help when new situations arise or to have a support system to discuss critical issues. Christine is a huge part of my support system offering advice based on her experience and expertise and referring me to wonderful experts in her vast network. Christine is definitely known for her tremendous network and people listen when she puts her name behind a referral. I thank her for all her help and support over the years!